Build an offer

Convert initial project costs to Rev-Shares that only pay out once certain revenue thresholds are met.

Your current estimate of the cost of your project.
✨ Converts this % of the Project Cost into Rev-Share payments

  • New upfront cost £40,000 and Rev-Share payments once monthly revenue hits £threshold
  • Rev-Share returns 1.11% of revenue
  • i.e. £278 variable per month for months

Book a consultation

Explore scenarios, develop an offer and let Enten implement the rest

The calculator and forecasts set out on this page and elsewhere on this website are for illustration purposes only to help the user understand Enten’s value proposition in a general sense. They are not intended to be actual forecasts of any specific situation or agreement that a user may have in contemplation when deciding to use Enten. All liability concerning these illustrative calculations and forecasts is hereby disclaimed by Enten. The user should contact an Enten representative to understand in detail how their situation or agreement might be treated under the Enten model.