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⛺ ‍ What are the features of being a digital nomad? ‍ ⛺

Last night, I attended a series of lightning talks at the Block co-working space in Lisbon and heard about the following topics:

🛌 Why we sleep (did you know you that you sleep for on avg 30 years of your life..?) 🛌
😰 Why FOMO is the most useless fear available 😰
✅ Different types of personality testing (astrology/galenic/MBTI/Big 5 etc)❎
📅 A sort-of video art piece on dating apps 🥂
🇵🇹 How to make Portuguese friends (not easy, apparently!) 🇵🇹
🍺 🚫 A personal take on ditching the booze 🚫 🍺

It was a really well-done event. There were perhaps 100 people there, though probably less than 15% were Portuguese (this surfaced during the Portuguese-friend making talk!). Pretty much everyone else were digital nomads, mostly working in the tech scene or associated creative industries.

The most common things I heard were:

🎯 Being a digital nomad was fulfilling 🎯
😐 But there was a risk of loneliness 😐
🤝 And this made people more open to meeting others and trying new things in general 🤝

Lots of thoughts here about civil society and how new forms of working have the opportunity to re-develop things that we’ve maybe lost here (including, perhaps, Enten).

Towards the end I got chatting with the organiser, Sean of Problemattic and found out that what we’re trying to do at Enten matches, in a complementary way, trends that are already emerging here in Lisbon.

Sean’s Problemattic is a social venture that sets a social good target (such as increasing the availability of housing for an underprivileged group) then invites people to collaborate on a solution. They set a bounty or award, provided by a philanthropist, which is then shared in a tokenised way among the successful participants.

The same themes that are in play with Problemattic (collaboration, distributed effort and reward) are also there with us at Enten. And many of those I spoke to were open to our model. Easily administered royalties make sense in this context. There’s a deeper theme here about getting a proper stake in the projects that you’re working on and building out your own balanced network.

We think that what we’re bringing to market at Enten matches these trends and takes them on to the next level. Check out our website in the comments to find out more.

🗣 And, if you know anyone in Lisbon who you think we should be speaking to, let us know! 🗣

Author: Enten
Published on: Wed, 14 Feb 2024